Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Boy

As with most things that mark an impression in me I take to my blog once again!

Two weeks ago from this day I was alone at IHOP. I had just come from the nightly NOW conference and didn't feel like going home just yet and it had been a while since I had gone to eat on my own. So there I was when suddenly I caught eyes with a young man walking by. What really caught me was his stare wasn't simply "Hi, welcome to IHOP" but more of a... "Hello. I notice you." He made this visual statement about two more times that evening. I tried to make it apparent that I noticed him too by looking directly at him until I had to blush and shy away. After all, sabes que I'm single again, I can do that!! He came by my table and asked me if I was doing okay, if I might like more sweet tea. I told him I was doing okay to which he smiled softly and walked away....Well, what else could I have said?!? Once that same evening he walked by my table smiling softly, looked directly in my eyes as he did so to which I unexpectedly giggled slightly and attacked my tea to cover my unfortunate girly happenstance. I'm sure he caught this. Another moment that evening I had been trying not to make my interest SO obvious and thus was staring at a picture on the IHOP wall beside me. It was a photo of the original menu from 1960 - like I cared. He happened upon my apparent interested gaze and asked me what I was looking at. He then made some comment or another that he never noticed the image before.
Upon my departure I pulled my waitress aside and asked her "What do you know about that boy?" There wasn't much she had to tell of him except that he out of all the other men in the restaurant was always willing to lend a helping hand here and there especially when it came to carrying something that seemed too heavy for her. She refered to him as, and I quote, "a real man" to which I replied "Oh! is that so!"

Curiosity got the best of me the next evening as I again returned to the same IHOP after the 3rd day of the NOW Conference. I told myself "It's a free country and maybe I'm just in the mood for IHOP! I'm not here for him, I'm just going to take my seat and mind my own business and if I see him I see him and if I don't I don't, 'cause sabes que, I got more important things on my mind!"
As I walked in the door I met eyes with the boy as he stood behind the register.
"Oh, hello there!" I must have said. At first he seemed to take a second to regain his memory of me, because he said "Oh, yea, you were looking at the menu on the wall." Perhaps he didn't want to appear obvious that he did in fact remember me with or without the 1960's menu. Or maybe he honestly did need a second to recall my face. I may never know...
He guided me to my seat, asked me what I would like to drink, then proceeded to aquire my sweetend beverage that is the greatness that is sweet tea. Upon his departure my waitress introduced herself and asked me what I would like to drink. At this moment the boy had returned behind her with my tea so I pointed to him and said "That." ...I hope I was the only one who caught the humor of that unfortunate statement..." For the first moment the boy seemed to show slight interest in another girl sitting at another table with her laptop. I slightly synged with jealousy. However; that jealousy was soon over come when the boy returned to me and began striking up a conversation with me. After a few minutes had passed in this conversation he asked if he might sit with me. And of course I said 'yes.'
It was a strange thing for me...we skipped around random topics, linking one from another, I suppose, for about 15 minutes or so. I wasn't giddy. I could look him in his eyes...for the most part...and talk normally. However; the food I had ordered was getting cold, 'cause let's be honest - how awkward is it to EAT the first time you sit down with a possible interest especially when you're the only one eating! I did offer him some, but he said he had already eaten.
After the initial warm-up topic of what each others tattoos meant I touched very lightly on my awareness of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Pretty heavy, I know, but as I said I only touched on it! He was aware of the "New World Order" but only seemed to find the word "Illuminati" sound slightly familiar....I was a bit disappointed.
Naturally, to win interest points, I mentioned my part in Goodnight Avenue and all it's relatives. He thought that was pretty cool. Score.
I spoke simi-lightly of my faith and that it was the most important aspect to me of my life. He touched on his own faith - also being Christianity. He told me of his family of athiests, and though he didn't say how, he told me of his own discovery and belief in Christ. My heart smiled at this, but upon hearing the way he spoke of it and observing certain statements he made it seems to me he might still be very young in his Christian walk. Should this be true it could prove to be quite a inconvenience for me, but not an impossibility I suppose.....I've tired so of being the spiritual guide for past love interests and crave an equal spiritual partner. But this thought it for later.
The boy shared some of his past regrets with me that landed him into trouble with the law a few years ago. I won't devulge that information, but I'll say only that he's still getting some things taken care of in regards to those poor choices. With this my interest grew. I seem to have a thing for guys who've made bad choices and then conciously turned from them. It shows a greatness of character.
I'm sure we touched on other topics within those 15 minutes as he visited with me while waiting for his ride although I don't recall any others.

You may find it strange of me to refer to this young man of possible interest as "the boy" but I'll tell you why. Much to my discomfort he told me of his age which is 19 years old.....yea......discomfort...and I told him mine. He didn't flinch. He assured me he has always seemed to behave older than most guys his age and made some negative reference to most young people his age - not just guys. I had to agree as I have had the same issue in my own mental level of maturity.
It seems most of my past interests have been further from my age but...they were older not younger! I don't necessarily have a problem dating someone older. What I DO have a problem with is dating someone younger! But this, mind you, is all to say if I even get a chance with this guy although...with these few things in mind as stated here...I'm concerned if I should just stay away :(

When time came for the boy's ride to arrive he rose and I'm sure mentioned something to politely make know of his enjoyment of my company. I don't recall exactly. As he stood he reached down to shake my hand and we asked in exact unison "What was your name?"

His name is Tyler.

Last Sunday evening Matthew, Nadia, and I happened to arrive at IHOP for desert. Okay...maybe we didn't "happen" upon IHOP entirely, but it wasn't like I had to beg them.
After our usual game of musical chairs we each found a spot which we felt comfortable in, making sure I faced inward of the restaurant where Tyler would be working, and making sure Matthew sat opposite of me and Nadia beside to express the appearance that there is, in fact, no man in my life. Yes. Such are the rules of the single young lady on the prowl.
Throughout the night Tyler, with little to no, it may seem, inhabitions regardless of my friends presence made it a point to connect his sight to mine as he passed saying again the first thing he visually said to me two weeks ago which was "Hello. I notice you." Nadia thought this to be adorable.
The night must have been busy for Tyler, because he rarely showed on the floor that night and when he did he kept his eye on his lady manager who he stated, although unforunate to me, was "on her period." I introduced him to my friends and shortly after he darted back into the kitchen area as his manager seemed to become aware of his presence on the floor. But it was time for us to go so I left him a note that read "Bye, Tyler! See you next time." along with my self-famous DM signature. ...I wonder if he kept the note....UH, ANYWAY, heh....After our meal and the rest of the night my thoughts would drift to Tyler only momentarily. Curiosity to know more about him, to study him, to talk with him...

I went back last night. I figured the first time I had shown two nights in a row so perhaps it wouldn't seem strange to perform this act again.
I had seen him through the window as I walked up to the entrance, but it took a good 20 minutes or so for him to re-appear from the kitchen. He didn't see me at first. I think it was the second time he came out did his eyes catch mine...and he smiled softly again and visually spoke only a hint of that "I notice you" message. It must have been another busy night, because he was in and out. I played it cool. Rarely looked over when I knew he was there. At last I intentially lifted and turned my eyes to see him as if I hadn't known he was there...well, I didn't want to appear obvious! He smiled and waved to me with his fiingers..you know, like...guys...do....lol...to a girl...like all cute style...I can't explain it here, but it was a flirty kind of wave. Anyhow...I must have been there for 40 minutes or so. Maybe even an hour. I was growing tired of hoping he might get a break and come sit with me and my interest in coloring with the child crayons had abandoned me. Twice he got a chance to pass my table as it was on the opposite side of where he was working and walking back and fourth. He spoke light hearted comments to me and continued on as his manager was once again present on the floor.
I had been there long enough, possibly seeming a strange customer - next time I'll bring a book or my laptop - and eventually I took my purse and walked out. I was not able to say goodbye to Tyler this time, because he went into the kitchen and never came out while I remained there. I didn't leave a note this time. One note is friendly. Another seems....too friendly. And I'm not sure I should be so friendly.

I left the restaurant with a sense of hollowness. Not only was I unsure of the possibilty of Tyler, but in general I was alone again.
Nadia thinks I over think too much, but Nadia doesn't know where I am inside. I see someone great coming my way. Someone with the spiritual decernment I have, the wisdom, and the conviction. I can't tell where Tyler truly stands on these things and his 'maturity' while he remains in and out of the kitchen and I sitting alone and embarrassed at the table...

- Desiree`

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