Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"I Notice You"

Nadia and I paid a visit to IHOP tonight... ^_^ ... I like the way he looks at me. I have little to no inhabition to admit that that is the very occurence that keeps me going back. Still I want to know more about what's going on behind the "I notice you" gaze.

He got to sit down with us for a few minutes to talk. He even told me he usually comes into work an hour early if I wanted to come 'hang out.' Awe!

I must say I am getting more and more curious about this boy... however, this is a very typical trait in myself when someone has caught my attention, so I won't let myself go off the deep in with this fact alone. I'm trying to get over the younger thing, but it's still getting to me a bit. When I look in his face I try not to see a 'boy', but it's so difficult! lol In truth I can't at this point see myself looking...right with him. But let's not jump ahead, no let's not lose our pretty little head, now!
He was telling me his schedule, but.......I could barely connect his words in my brain as he said them. I was trying to concentrate on keeping eye contact so...most of what he said went in one hear and out the other. Luckily Nadia took a pen in hand and wrote it down for me later, LOL!
I made mention of the note I had left him (which I mentioned also in my blog "The Boy") and he said our waiter had told him that Matthew had written him the note! LOL! Tyler asked if Matthew was gay, lolol. I told him no and that it was I who had written the note. (By the way he told me he still has it!) Considering you he was under the misinformed belief that Matthew was the one to have left the note it's curious as to why he kept it...! lol He made it very clear in a similar topic, however, that he is not gay! lol The waiter I gave the note to, however, is extremely gay! and you would be a fool to miss this, lol! According to Tyler the waiter in question seems to have the hots for him, lolol! Too funny. Anyway. I told Tyler of the initial insignia on the note which is my classic "DM" incircled. Upon mine and Nadia's departure from the restaurant this evening I again wrote my insignia on a piece of paper to hand to him - to clear nay misconceptions in the future! to which Nadia added "When you see that (insignia) you know Desiree` wrote it!" lol At first he didn't bother looking to see what was even written on the paper, but looked in my eyes, smiled, took it and said "Thank you."........eee!
Wow. Girlish excitement. Awe, it's been a while! ^_^

I have tomorrow evening off. I have various possibilities! First off i need to meet with an old friend to discuss some 'intellectual topics' if you will then later that evening I'll probably be with my buddies! Maybe we'll even stop by IHOP that 'hour early' ;) Who knows!

It's very late. I should have been in bed hours ago. Goodnight all! And remember: If you don't already know Jesus He knows you! Run with that ;)

Goodnight ;)

-Desiree` Magee

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